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About Alexandre Day

Alexandre Day is a talented French painter and illustrator with a love for graphite, and has the ability to create amazing imagery with just a pencil and gum. Alexandre focuses on simplicity, and tries to communicate emotion through his work.

If you happen to be in France this year, he has two exhibitions featuring his work which are definitely worth checking out.

*La soupe de l'espace-Hyères/France
May 2009 / Sketchs

*Albane gallery-Nantes/France

Alexandre is currently working on a children's book with his wife Adolie Day, a gifted illustrator in her own right. Next year they will publish their collaborative sketches & illustrations for her book "Le chasseur de papillons"
(CGHUB post- May 2009)

My illustrations are not free
All rights reserved. © Alexandre Day


Alexandre DAY se définit comme un artiste avec du crayon plein les mains et la chemise.
Au bout de son crayon se dessinent des personnages sensibles, à l'écoute ou dans l'attente.
Un vrai bel univers.

Il travaille à la mine de plomb sur des enduits blancs.
Son univers est si fin, qu'on pourrait le regarder à la loupe, et découvrir encore et encore de multiples détails

Mes illustrations et croquis ne sont pas libres de droit
